The World According to the West. My major project for Cultural Research, this project was a process of a whole semester. Engaging with the outside world I wanted to create a piece with political undertones, predominantly influence by Guy Debord and 'Society of the Spectacle'. For me the role of the mass media in our everyday lives has become omnipotent. They dictate our perceptions of the world, politics, economies and cultural sensibilities to the point where we no longer have the ability to process the information and make a conscious decision as to whether or not we choose to accept this as true. I took hundreds of screen shots of news reports from CNN's website. Creating one whole image: a pure spectacle of news. However, the print alone was not enough. I wanted to create an installation to further this overwhelming influence in our lives. The installation featured a tv that played static, conveying the idea that at a certain point these images dissolve into nothingness, pure static. The sound piece that accompanied the work was an overwhelming collection of news reports overlapped with one another in an attempt to not only make the audience aware of their lack of active engagement with the media but to also challenge their political predispositions.

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